Would ‘Jurassic World’s’ Indominus Rex Win In A Real Life Dinosaur Battle?

If you’ve seen Jurassic World, you probably know how well Indominus Rex can handle herself in a fight. This is partially due to movie magic, but also because of the real life assumptions of scientists like Jack Horner. His consulting work on the Jurassic Park films has been helpful in the molding the creatures on screen into creation that is both realistic and interesting within the film’s universe.

I-Rex is the pinnacle of these creations, so the only question is how it would hold up against some of its real life counterparts, namely the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor. Obviously the animals of Jurassic Park are all genetically modified monsters, so it’s not entirely “real,” but Horner treats it like these are what we’d get in real world situation. Also, technically, the film does explain the reason these beasts are so different than their extinct brethren. That didn’t stop scientists from complaining.

Anyway, Horner takes us through this with some very helpful visual aids and we find out which dinosaurs have the advantage in a fight. It’s fun. It’s silly. It’s still probably leading to a disappointing movie compared to the original. At least we’ve got some dino-violence.

(Via Wired)