Michael Clifford’s Face Caught Fire During A 5 Seconds Of Summer Show In London


If you’ve never heard of 5 Seconds Of Summer, imagine One Direction with instruments. The Australian pop rock band has had some fairly good success on the international music scene, but they’re definitely getting some intense press after guitarist and vocalist Michael Clifford set his fair and face on fire.

As BuzzFeed points out, many of 5 Seconds Of Summer’s fans were recording video and taking pictures at just the moment Clifford inadvertently stepped into a pyrotechnic display. And by “stepped,” I mean he threw his entire face into the otherwise controlled eruption of fire.

After Clifford rushed off stage, the rest of the band followed. They determined that the injuries were bad enough to warrant an end to the performance and a trip to the hospital.

Clifford later tweeted a photo of himself, all bandaged up but giving a hopeful thumbs up to his followers.

Glad he’s okay, but I can’t help but point out that Dave Grohl broke his goddamn leg, quickly got a cast and returned to finish the show. Just sayin’.

(Via BuzzFeed)