It Would Cost A Preposterous Amount Of Money To Open A Real ‘Jurassic Park’

The folks at Fandango put together a very helpful video to pin down a fiscal number for how much it would cost to build and operate a real Jurassic Park. With Jurassic World currently tearing up theaters around the globe, you’d think they’d be sitting pretty to be able to build their own park with the money from the film. Not even close.

Using data from real world parks and similar methods (cloning dogs instead of dinosaurs for a very expensive dog park), the video comes to a massive price point in the billions to just build and open the park. Toss in a cool $11 billion a year to feed the animals and you’re looking at the need for some deep pockets.

Now what this overlooks is the amount of revenue coming in from people buying all that DQ ice cream and paying those massive ticket prices to come to the park. Nevermind the possibility that you might be eaten or maimed by a once extinct genetic monster, enjoy the sights. I would also think that the video skips past what Jurassic World would cost compared to the original Jurassic Park. The movie might be better, but the old park looks like junk in comparison.

(Via Fandango)