Miami Cops Found LSD Tabs With ‘Breaking Bad’ Characters On Them

Since vodka inspiration Breaking Bad premiered in 2008, there have been many real-life Walter Whites, from a middle-school tutor with cancer getting arrested in a bust to a guy actually named Walter White trafficking meth. While the show may be gone, the drug community continues to honor its legacy by putting Breaking Bad characters on LSD tabs.

Investigators say the psychedelic drug was discovered in the Northwest Miami-Dade town home of Raul Puig, 29, who is accused of operating a mad-scientist style lab not unlike the crime drama’s fictional kingpin Walter White.

Investigators found the LSD sheets inside a three-ring binder of dog-eared drug recipes. Also found inside: a manual on surviving nuclear and natural disasters. One sheet of tabs, blue in color, featured portraits of the main characters from the show. Another depicted the periodic table with the image of White, aka Heisenberg, portrayed by Bryan Cranston. (Via Miami Herald)

Drug dealers being obsessed with Breaking Bad is so passé. It’s the new Scarface. If they want to be original, they should adorn their goods with Hal from Malcolm in the Middle. I’ve never done heroin, but I’d check it out if the balloon it came in had Cranston rollerblading to Queen.

(Via Miami Herald)