We May Have Gotten Our First Walker In The Latest Promo For ‘Fear The Walking Dead’

The latest promo for Fear The Walking Dead continues the minimalist bread trail that we’ve been following up to this point, giving us very little in the way of the terror that lies behind the panicked running and discussions about the Internet. But what we might get in this latest trailer is an eerie first look at a potential walker. It isn’t like we haven’t seen plenty on The Walking Dead in the the past, but this would be the first time we’ve caught a glimpse of an early walker in the spin off.

The promo features Kim Dickens and Cliff Curtis on the go in a pick up, traversing through an eerie landscape that seems to already be dying.

We’ve got some missing posters up, either pointing towards a terrible incident apart from the zombie outbreak that will affect the show or showing that people are disappearing with little official word peeping out.

Dickens and Curtis don’t necessarily look like they’re out searching, but my gut leads me to thinking that due to the previous shot. The only thing that is there to throw you off is Dickens’ glassed eyed sorta stare at the scenery passing by. Cliff Curtis looks like he means business and she looks like she just got out of the sh*t.

Then we get our big reveal, the first (I truly believe) walker in the new series. We’ve gotten looks on the main poster for the series, but this is the first from the actual show itself. It brings into question why our boy Nick was running like the devil in that first promo? If they’re still the shuffling, Romero type hordes of the undead, is there really a need to go into a full sprint. Maybe he’s just running from the cops or something (can’t blame him).

Elsewhere, AMC released some photos from the first season. The first set (included below) show stills from the show itself and gives a better look at the characters. The others set shows the cast and crew hard at work on creating the show in time for its August debut on AMC. You can check out the full run of photographs and more over at the official site.

(Via AMC)