Let Kobayashi Teach You How To Eat A Gross Amount Of Hot Dogs On The Fourth

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One of the great traditions on the Fourth of July is the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest in Brooklyn. Many have competed, but arguably the most famous contestant in its history not named “Joey Chestnut” is Takeru Kobayashi. Japan’s finest eating export hasn’t competed in the Nathan’s contest for a few years due to contractual issues with Major League Eating, but he still holds the world records for most hot dogs consumed (110 in 10 minutes), most hot dogs consumed without a bun (60 in two minutes and 35 seconds), and most Nathan’s hot dogs consumed (69 in 10 minutes).

Basically, if you want to learn the secret of how to eat a bunch of hot dogs in no time at all, Kobayashi is probably the best person on Earth to ask. Former Olympic boxer Eric Kelly met with the six-time Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Champion and learned how to eat like Kobayashi.

Make sure you watch until the very end, where Kobayashi decides to chase 28 hot dogs with some ribs because he’s not human.

(VICE Sports)