Watch Miley Cyrus Play An Elusive Pigeon On ‘Stone Quackers’

It’s been a while since Miley Cyrus has stretched her acting chops. (Well, we’re being generous by calling her Hannah Montana work “acting” and not “reading,” but still.) She hasn’t really entered that world since her shock-pop transformation in Bangerz and her post-twerk phase. So, it’s only logical that her first gig after all of that madness would be on Stone Quackers, a stoner comedy.

The FXX ADHD show follows the lives and adventures of a handful of burnout birds. This week’s episode featured kid quacker Bug falling in love with an avian Miley Cyrus and fumbling deputy Officer Barry (voiced by John C. Reilly) trying to help. Most of the episode is spent chasing the bird version of the “Wrecking Ball” singer, but they eventually catch up for a worthwhile payoff. Well, worthwhile if you’re a tiny duck, anyway.

(via Hulu)