New Favorite Channel

Much like the fireplace channel that takes over homes during the holidays, Swiss Chalet restaurants will introduce a new channel on Canadian TV next week: a looped feed of rotisserie chickens turning on a spit.

Swiss Chalet is debuting an all-chicken, all-the-time digital TV channel on Rogers cable… The Rotisserie Channel will feature a roasting chicken 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the next three months. As it cooks (on Rogers’ channel 208), a promo code will regularly appear, driving viewers to Swiss Chalet’s Facebook page to claim an offer. The deals will differ every day and when the viewer inputs the coupon code to the page, it will deliver a printable coupon customized with the recipient’s name. [Strategy Online]

That sounds hypnotically delicious. I just pictured the image of a turning rotisserie chicken in my head, and I already want one. Swiss Chalet is going to sell no fewer than three billion roast chickens with this strategy. I mean, I haven’t done the math or anything, but that feels like a modest estimate.