Tracy Morgan Does Not Like the Gays

Tracy Morgan has made a career of appearing unhinged and saying crazy crap, but his stance on homosexuality has put him in hot water. Morgan, who’s publicly stated his belief that homosexuality is a choice since at least 2009, apparently colored in some offensive details about his opinions during a June 3rd set in Nashville. Kevin Rogers, a self-described gay fan of Morgan’s since his “SNL” days, described the rant:

He said that there is no way a woman could love and have sexual desire for another woman, that’s just a woman pretending because she hates a f*cking man.  He took time to visit the bullsh*t of this bullying stuff and informed us that the gays needed to quit being pussies and not be whining about something as insignificant as bullying. He mentioned that gay was something kids learn from the media and programming, and that bullied kids should just bust some ass and beat those other little f*ckers that bully them, not whine about it.

He said if his son that was gay he better come home and talk to him like a man and not [he mimicked a gay, high pitched voice] or he would pull out a knife and stab that little N (one word I refuse to use) to death… Tracy then said he didn’t f*cking care if he pissed off some gays, because if they can take a f*cking dick up their ass… they can take a f*cking joke.

I don’t mean to nit-pick, because Morgan’s rant is clearly a reasoned and thoughtful argument, but I think some people may have had gay sex before the media taught children how to be gay. Can somebody fact-check that?

[via HuffPo]