Ryan Reynolds ‘Wept’ When He Saw The Finished Deadpool Costume

Superhero costumes can be tricky to get right. What looks totally badass on the pages of a comic book often ends up looking like a dumpy scuba suit in real life.

Ryan Reynolds knows all about this stuff… he’s already been on the wrong end of a tacky Green Lantern outfit, and had to keep his mouth shut about what they did to Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. So, he’s extra invested in getting the Deadpool suit right this time. Via the Hollywood Reporter:

“Boy, we had to fight to get the suit to where it is now. There was a lot of work with very little time. Fox gave us the green light and we had to be on camera in twelve weeks. That’s NO time for prep. So we kept fighting and fighting to make tweaks to the suit. Like when the deadline has passed and we were still going back and forth.”

“When we finally saw that suit, fully done, finished and completed…both Tim Miller and I wept. I’m not even exaggerating, we wept in Simi Valley California in some warehouse where some guy makes all these crazy suits and had this one under a spotlight. We walked in and we wept. Tears coming down our cheeks. It felt so good.”

And what a suit it is. Comic-book readers are some of the most opinionated, hardest to please fans out there, but everyone seems to love the official Deadpool outfit. Let’s hope everything else turns out just as well.

The new Deadpool movie comes out Feb. 12, 2016. Until then, here’s some awesome Deadpool cosplay for you to look at. What’s this? More Deadpool cosplay? Don’t mind if I do!

(Via comicbook.com, via the Hollywood Reporter)