Got 300 Bucks To Burn? Go To Sebastian Bach’s Wedding Reception!

Are you a huge fan of mid-level hair metal band Skid Row? Did you enjoy Sebastian Bach’s occasional appearances on Gilmore Girls? Do you want to pay money to go to a random wedding reception in San Jose? Then good news for you! The AV Club reports that you can help celebrate the nuptials of Sebastian Bach and Suzanne Le for the low, low price of $300.

The event, to the extent a wedding like this can be considered an event, is taking place at Rockbar Theater on August 22. As the venue indicates: “Rockbar will be hosting the wedding of Sebastian Bach to Suzanne Le and would like to cordially invite you to attend the reception of this exciting event. Sebastian will be bringing friends along from the film and music world.” So, it would seem that you can’t get into the actual wedding, but you can still go to Bach’s wedding reception for a few hundred bucks.

Now, most people probably wouldn’t want total strangers showing up to their wedding reception, because that could get weird. Evidently, Bach and Le aren’t most people. There are probably better ways to spend $300, but if you’ve got money to burn, and you want to know what the guy who sang “18 and Life” is serving for dinner, go nuts.

(Via AV Club)