Corgi Friday: Reader Submissions

This commercial was brought to my attention on Twitter by Warming Glow reader Lisa. As far as I can tell, its main goal is to try to get people to travel to England or something. I say “as far as I can tell” because, at the 0:15 mark, a tiny corgi comes strolling through a door and I checked right out. I spent the rest of the commercial on high alert looking for the dog to make another appearance, and IT DID NOT. Three seconds of screen time, England? Really? No wonder everyone hates your stupid country. The whole thing is a disgrace and I won’t stand for it. Send me the corgi and Pippa Middleton and we’ll call it even.

As for the rest of this week’s Corgi Friday, we’re doing reader submissions. One thing I had not counted on when I took over this feature was that people would not only send me tips, but also pictures of their own dogs. This is great, for the following reasons: 1) It’s a really cool way to interact with the WG community, and; 2) I am very lazy, and if you all just, like, give me stuff, then I don’t have to click around the Internet looking for it.

This first edition of user submitted content only contains a few slides, but it is a great place to start. If you have tips or your own adorable corgi that you’d like to see on the site, please email me at dangerguerrero [at] gmail [dot] com.

Here is video sent in by reader Summer, who I have chosen to believe is actually Summer Roberts from “The O.C.” (NOTE: Summer > Anna). Summer says:

Hey guys,

My husband and I have loved the site for years. Even though we have our very own corgi, Chester, I never thought we’d have a submission worthy of Corgi Friday. Our 8 month old daughter, Charlie had other ideas. Even if you don’t post it, we hope you enjoy it.



P.S. Her onesie reads “Corgi Fan Club”. Complete coincidence.


This picture was sent in by Matt (not that Matt). He says:

Hey Danger,

I’m a regular reader of the site and thought I could possibly contribute to your ever expanding corgi empire. His name is Gus and he is a 7 week old corgi pup. I know I’m hella late for the puppy day edition of Corgi Friday, but hopefully you can use this in some future post. Take it easy, keep up the great work!

Flattery will get you nowhere quite far in this world, Matt.

Here are four more images sent in by Lisa. This is her brother’s dog, Bogie. Lisa is really the MVP of this first edition of user submissions. Y’all have some work to do to catch up. Except you, Summer. You’re A-OK with me.

This is a corgi leading a horse. Sayeth reader Chris:

This is a corgi leading a horse.

Well said, Chris.

Finally, this is that video of a corgi hiking with a camera on his back from last week that all of you sent me but I chose not to run because it was National Puppy Day and I wanted to post a sh-tload of puppy pictures. I regret nothing.