Lady Gaga is slated to appear in the May 20th season finale of “The Simpsons,” and the first images of the animated versioUGH “THE SIMPSONS” IS TERRIBLE NOW EVERYBODY HATES IT. In the preview clip below, you can see a few of the rumored 18 outfits she will wear during the episI HAVEN’T WATCHED THIS PIECE OF CRAP IN YEARS THEY SHOULD JUST CANCEL IT ALREADY. This season of the show, as with most of the more recent seasons, has been a little hit and miss, but I thought the last few episodes were really pretty funnWHAT DO YOU MEAN “HOW DO I KNOW IT SUCKS THIS SEASON IF I JUST ADMITTED TO NOT WATCHING IT FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING A FULL CALENDAR YEAR?” I JUST KNOW, OK. In all likelihood, it will never be able to match the consistent high quality of its earlier seasLOOK YOU’RE NOT LISTENING TO ME I SAID *EVERYBODY* SAYS IT’S DUMB NOW SO IT HAS TO BE TRUE. But every now and then it’s still capable of pumping out 30 minutes of funny, smart comedy in a television landscape where that’s pretty rarTHEY SHOULD HAVE JUST SHUT THE WHOLE THING DOWN AFTER “LAST EXIT TO SPRINGFIELD” AND ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE IS AN IDIOT. ALL DOWNHILL FROM THERE.
I’m just glad we were able to have a reasonable discussion about thEVERYTHING WAS BETTER WHEN I WAS YOUNGER AND NOW EVERYTHING IS STUPID ALL THE TIME.