Humans, the show that dares ask the question about what would happen if we “granted machines consciousness” and explored mankind’s fear of that which is unknown is coming back to your television thanks to AMC and Channel 4.
The drama, which was highly rated and loved by fans both here and in The U.K., is based on a Swedish film and was picked up by AMC when Channel 4 ran into some trouble with the American distributor of the show. Deadline provides a little background on the rocky road the show took to this point:
AMC boarded the series after Channel 4’s original U.S. partner, XBox, folded its TV unit. It is part of the diversification of the network’s development model as AMC has been adding straight-to-series orders and international co-productions to the traditional way of piloting a drama before picking it up to series.
Will Humans fill the hole in your heart left by Mad Men? Well, if it’s another show that could suck you in with its “bold and original drama,” it just might. And AMC is banking on you continuing to love the series.
(Via Deadline)