The Tampa Bay Buccaneers want to “change the individual football experience” for female fans who love the game, but can’t be trusted to understand it or enjoy it on their own terms. On Thursday, the team launched “Red,” the brand new Buccaneers Women’s Movement designed to “recognize and celebrate their female fanbase,” by catering to them in the most patronizing way possible.
Pink jerseys weren’t enough? An announcement on the Buccaneers website reads:
RED will provide female Buccaneers fans with year-round educational experiences focused on providing a better understanding of the game, along with unprecedented access to their favorite team. In addition, RED will re-invent the female fan experience by providing insight into topics such as: what goes on behind the scenes on gamedays at Raymond James Stadium; how to maximize their gameday experience; how to blend personal Buccaneer pride with the latest NFL fashions; as well as tips on sharing their experiences and ideas via social media platforms such as Pinterest.
Ooh, I wonder if they’ll share the perfect recipe for Buccaneers-themed cupcakes or tips on how to re-purpose your ticket stubs into a Buccaneers tea cozy! Seriously, though, this sh*t is straight-up embarrassing, and the Buccaneers aren’t the only ones pulling this crap:
As if a woman can be expected to properly enjoy the sport without getting her hair done first. What year are we living in, 2014?