Doug Anderson Wins All The Dunk Contests

You know how LeBron James is always playing that worn out routine of “Maybe I should be in the Slam Dunk Contest this year…” and us basketball fans are like, “Please, oh, please LeBron, would ya do that, King? Would ya?” and he’s like, “Wellllllllllllll maybe if someone paid me a million dollars…” and then you and I pull out our pockets and fight over who gets to eat this packet of ketchup? Well, we don’t need LeBron anymore, because we’ve got –

Doug Anderson.





Your State Farm College Slam Dunk Champion is what. The University of Detroit senior forward shocked and AWWWWWWW YEAH’d his way on to some scout lists with one ridiculously sick reverse 360 dunk last night in Atlanta.

That’s right, through the legs and one-handed for the exclamation point. I’m calling that one the “Excuse me while I whip this out” dunk. And that wasn’t the only highlight of Anderson’s night. He also pulled off this monster two-handed jam that I’m calling the “Here grandma, let me put that bag of potatoes on the top shelf for you” jam.

And in case you’re wondering if Doug is a one-trick pony Harold Miner dunk contest paper champ, here he is throwing down against Notre Dame two seasons ago…

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