Fox Might Boot ‘Fantastic Four 2’ In Favor Of ‘Deadpool 2’

Only the nerds turned up for Fantastic Four this weekend. We know this because we see the Twitter feeds of nerds, and they were tweeting about how bored they were during a movie they complained about for months. And, as a result, Fox might be moving up a sequel to a movie that nerds are much more happy about.

Yes, according to the Internet rumor mill, Fox is debating “moving” Fantastic Four 2 in favor of fast-tracking a Deadpool sequel for the June 2017 release date Fox has already committed to for the former. Likely half of this rumor is true: The U.S. box office had some terrible returns, and while the overseas box office is relatively healthy by comparison, Fox, at best, will break even on DVD sales. It’s unlikely we’ll see a Fantastic Four movie until Fox has to reclaim the rights again, and that’ll probably be a remake of Unstable Molecules.

But Deadpool 2? Even those most gleeful over this rumor are forced to point out that would mean the sequel starts production right after the first one comes out. That feels a bit unlikely for a studio that could move back, say, Gambit, or move up Planet of the Apes, or green light some action movie. One thing’s for sure, though: We’re more likely to see Deadpool 2 than Fantastic Four 2, no matter what.

(Via ComicBookMovie)