John Stamos Celebrates Age 52 With A Raging ‘Fuller House’ Pool Party

John Stamos doesn’t turn 52 until Aug. 19, but his Fuller House co-stars threw him a big pool party on Sunday. What better way to kick off a shindig than with Bob Saget making a captioned poop joke about Dave Coulier? Dave probably doesn’t mind the joke because poor Uncle Joey was always the butt of everyone else’s bad humor. Coulier’s a good sport, as is Saget for posing next to Stamos. The man does not age, and the toothpaste smile doesn’t hurt matters either.

The cast enjoyed a marvelous lunch and other wholesome activities such as Frisbee and selfie-taking. They really do seem to enjoy each others’ company. The cast must be thrilled to be back in regular working roles — although Stamos and Saget never hurt for work, and the others have popped in and out of obscurity, both willingly and not. Now they are united once again — well, other than the Olsen twins, who are busy minding their fashion empire.

If these photos and the previous set photos are any indication, the audience will enjoy this reunion as much as the cast.

Always so cheery, that Stamos. Even while thanking the Beverly Hills Police Department for pulling his DUI. Better times ahead, y’all. Have mercy!