Earl Lloyd, The First Black NBA Player, Should Have His Own Postage Stamp

Earl Lloyd was the first black player in the NBA, debuting on Halloween, 1950 for the Washington Capitols. He’s not a household name in the manner of Jackie Robinson, whose debut was three years earlier, but he should be. Maybe he doesn’t need ceremonies like Robinson day or a movie made about him (although it would undoubtedly be cool), but he deserves more than the footnote to which he’s seemingly been relegated.

He was a very good, perhaps not great, player in the NBA, but he did win a title with the Syracuse Nationals in 1955. But like we said when he passed away back in February, he did more for the game than 99 percent of athletes in NBA history. Now, Lloyd’s son Kevin wants to commemorate him with a postage stamp. It’s a small gesture that would nonetheless be meaningful to many people.

It actually takes a lot to put someone on a stamp, so Lloyd’s family and those who wish to honor his memory need your help. If you’d like to see Lloyd on a stamp, send a letter to: Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3300, Washington, D.C. 20260-3501. We can make this happen, together, and it’s worth it.

(Via Philadelphia Tribune)