‘Prometheus 2’ Is Definitely Ridley Scott’s Next Movie

Ridley Scott sure loves his science fiction movies. With classics like Blade Runner and Alien under his belt — and with The Martian just a month and change away from hitting theaters — the director is finally getting ready to get that Prometheus sequel everyone has been clamoring for up and off the ground. Earlier this month, it was reported that Neill Blomkamp’s Alien movie — which would bring Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley back into the fold — is being put on hold until Prometheus 2 is finished.

Now, according to an interview with Empire (via SlashFilm) The Martian star Matt Damon discussed the movie’s multiple theatrical release date changes and how that affected Ridley Scott’s shooting schedule. Hint: it didn’t:

According to The Martian star Matt Damon, the release date change was no problem for Scott. “Ridley was done with the movie about two weeks after we shot!” he told the magazine. Scott responded, “I was already on to my next movie! I was starting to look for locations for my next movie, which is Prometheus 2.”

This sequel news doesn’t bring any sort of timeline with it. Previously there were rumors that the movie would begin shooting at the beginning of 2016. If that is indeed the case, we may not see Prometheus 2 in theaters until 2017, which would push back Alien 5‘s speculated premiere to sometime in 2018. Why that late? Neill Blomkamp’s film heavily relies on Sigourney Weaver’s schedule, which is currently being taken up by all those Avatar movies. Thanks a lot, James Cameron!

Given the reveal at the end of Prometheus, many fans have wondered if we’ll see any more Xenomorphs (R.I.P H.R. Giger) in the new movie. It’s doubtful, as the director has previously made reference to introducing a new creature instead. At the very least, maybe Prometheus 2‘s new alien being will make the buzz behind Neill Blomkamp’s return to Xenomoph-land even bigger.

(Via /Film)