Idris Elba’s ‘Too Street’ To Play James Bond, According To A Guy Who Writes 007 Novels

Playing criminal mastermind Stringer Bell on The Wire may be that which Idris Elba is most known for, save for his ever-present spot atop the food chain when it comes to casting rumors, but it’s still only make believe. A message that Anthony Horowitz, the author of Trigger Mortis, a sh*ttily titled James Bond novel and sequel to Ian Fleming’s Goldfinger Bond novel, might need to absorb.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Horowitz talked up the latest of many, many post-Fleming Bond novels while also discussing his view of the Bond film franchise, with which he once unsuccessfully tried to associate himself as a writer back in the Roger Moore era. Apparently, Horowitz isn’t a fan, praising Casino Royale before saying that Quantum of Solace “went wrong” and complaining about the end of Skyfall. He also seemed more than apprehensive about the next film, Spectre, which seems as though it will fixate on Bond’s origins a little.

“I don’t want to know about his doubts, his insecurities or weaknesses. I just want to see him act, kill, win.”

Yeah, f*ck character development.

With regard to the prospect of Elba taking over for Daniel Craig at some point, Horowitz pulled no punches while also letting everyone know that his seemingly racist remarks ARE NOT RACIST, YOU GUYS.

“Idris Elba is a terrific actor, but I can think of other black actors who would do it better.”

He names Adrian Lester, star of Hustle.

“For me, Idris Elba is a bit too rough to play the part. It’s not a colour issue. I think he is probably a bit too ‘street’ for Bond. Is it a question of being suave? Yeah.”

Does it trouble anyone else that the man who is writing about James Bond has no idea what the word “suave” means? Because we’ve seen Idris Elba be suave. Look at any photo shoot with Elba. Dude can fill a suit like he can fill a fantasy, amirightladiesanddudes? Also, Stringer Bell was, at times, suave, as well as smart and strong. Furthermore, Elba is an actor. This is someone who went from playing a barking military type in Prometheus to playing Nelson Mandela. Once you demonstrate the ability to command attention in a variety of roles, you earn the right to be given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to whether or not you can embody a new character.

Any notion that Idris Elba is “too street” doesn’t just tag him with an unfortunate stereotype, it also takes a swipe at him as an actor by implying that he is one thing, as opposed to a highly skilled professional who can convince you that he’s many things.

(Via The Daily Mail)