Tom Hardy Would Absolutely Love To Return As Bane And Beat Up Batman And Superman

Rough and tumble bloke Tom Hardy keeps on winning hearts as he promotes Legend, which saw the actor snuggle with his dog on the red carpet. Hardy, who is always in demand, is even busier than usual these days. He’s reportedly tip-toeing into a 100 Bullets adaptation, where he’ll produce and star. Here’s to hoping he’ll play Cole Burns (and get some time in the ice cream truck before picking up the gun). Hardy will also soon be consumed with promoting Alejandro Inarritu’s bear-fighting film, but for now, it’s easy rolling.

Hardy sat down with MTV International where he was asked if he wants to return to the DC Comics universe (after stepping away from Suicide Squad due to Innarritu-related scheduling difficulties). Hardy is all for the challenge. In fact, he doesn’t feel that his return would be challenging at all. Hardy wants to come back as Bane, somehow insert himself into Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and kick everyone’s butt:

“Of course! I’m Bane! Somebody asked me, ‘Who would I want to win out in a fight between Superman and Batman?’ And I would like to hold the pair of them under the water until the bubbles stop.”

Could this idea happen for a Batman v. Superman sequel? Sure, and the fans would love it. Henry Cavill has already said he’s down for any DC sequels they’ll offer him, so this could be a dream for the future. Hardy also expressed a great deal of enthusiasm at Mad Max: Fury Road director’s rumored helming of Man Of Steel 2 for Warner.

I can hear those fanboy wheels turning right now. Oh, and Hardy did not address those silly James Bond rumors, but give him time. He may come up with a fitting response.