The Band Survivor Is Mad That Kim Davis Celebrated Leaving Jail To ‘Eye Of The Tiger’

Kim Davis, the Rowan County, Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriages based on her Christian beliefs against gay marriage, was freed from jail today. Not only that, she was treated to a rally emceed by presidential candidate and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. Her intro music was even Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger.”

According to the New York Times, Davis was jailed for five days for refusing to issue marriage licenses based on her beliefs against gay marriage, a central tenet of her Christian faith. Judge David L. Bunning decided to release her from jail because it seemed that her office was “fulfilling its obligation to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.”

Bunning did warn Davis, however, that she was not to interfere with the continued issuance of marriage licenses, and that her deputies would have to report to him every couple of weeks on this subject. Davis refused to address this warning when reporters asked about it.

Davis’ lawyer, Mathew D. Staver, blamed the fact that the licenses specifically said that they were to be issued by the Rowan County clerk. He said that Davis would not interfere if such wording was changed.

During the rally that accompanied her getting out of jail, Davis almost collapsed in grateful sobs, then said, to rapturous cheers and applause: “I just want to give God the glory. His people have rallied, and you are a strong people! We serve a living God, who knows exactly where each and every one of us is at. Just keep on pressing, don’t let down, because He is here.”

Of course, not everybody is happy about Kim Davis’ celebration. TMZ reports that the frontman of Survivor is outraged at Davis using “Eye of the Tiger” in this way, and that the group is considering a lawsuit.