This Swedish Porn Star Protested A Bullfight By Jumping In The Ring

Meet Amina Axelsson, a Swedish adult film star who jumped the barrier at a bullfighting arena in Malaga, Spain to protest for PETA. With no security around, Axelsson easily made her way down the bleachers onto the ring floor and unfurled a “No Mas Tauromaquia” sign (roughly translated to “no more bullfights”). She was escorted out by the matador’s assistants.

Axelsson has staged several protests in the past for PETA, several without her clothes on. This time, however, she chose a different route. In a statement to a local newspaper, Axelsson talked about her reasoning behind the protest.

SPOILER: Bullfighting is awful.

“It was a symbolic act to show that we are thinking about the bull. No animal should have to endure an agonizing and unnecessary death for the enjoyment of a crowd. I join together with Peta to urge all compassionate people to stop these cruel events, which have been condemned internationally, by never attending a bullfight.”

Axelsson added that she was more nervous about the police than the bull, which, okay. Apparently, she hasn’t seen all those nasty goring photos floating around. But anyway, she also pointed out that the ring was basically empty in large part because Spaniards are sick of bullfighting. A 2010 poll showed 60 percent did not like the sport.

In 2012, Catalonia became the second area in Spain (after the Canary Islands) to ban bullfighting, though they still allow something called bull-dodging which doesn’t result in the death of the animal.

Axelsson detailed the events of the day on her personal website. It’s kinda odd because there’s a long-winded piece about bullfighting followed by videos called, “Adult video-creampie” and “Deep in the a$$.”

Google at your own risk.