Rose McGowan Just Made The Weirdest NSFW Music Video You’ll Probably Ever See

Rose McGowan is an accomplished actress turned director who has been in countless memorable roles over the past two decades. Jonas Åkerlund is an incredible director who has been the creative force behind some of the greatest and most provocative music videos of all time, such as Madonna’s “Ray Of Light,” The Prodigy’s “Smack My B*tch Up,” Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful,” and Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” and “Paparazzi.”

Okay, even with all of that explanation and context, there is NO way to explain what is happening in this new music video for Rose McGowan’s debut single “RM486.”

While she’s dipped the music world before (she recorded three tracks on the Planet Terror soundtrack as well as performed backing vocals on other various projects), “RM486” is a cannonball into a pool of WTF weirdness and blood and other off-putting things.

Musically, “RM486” is reminiscent of synthpop acts La Roux, Ladyhawke, or Little Boots, and in the video, McGowan appears as different personas of herself. You know, like a girl version of the movie Powder, a sickly kabuki artist, a bloody… thing. It’s all very subjective. Art, right? Oh, and she’s totally topless as well.

Speaking about her new path with Nowness, she talked about abandoning the acting world all together and music being her true passion:’

In the last few years I’ve actually released some songs under different names, just me pranking the public. I woke up one day and realised I hated acting and that I’d always hated it. Imagine, it’s predominantly men whose scripts get done so it was mostly a male voice coming out of my mouth for 15 years.

While that kind of frustration is totally understandable, we’ll definitely miss seeing the fiery presence of Rose on screen. Or maybe not, as IMDb has her in three forthcoming projects?

Still, if this is the new normal for her (well “normal”), we’re willing to accept it. It’s already living in our nightmares, so why not? Get comfortable!

(Via Nowness)