Britney Spears Made Security Guards Think She Was Nuts On ‘Best Time Ever’

For anyone familiar with Britney Spears, they know that she can reach into a deep and dark place inside of herself to reveal a huge mess of insanity. We all remember 2007. #NeverForget. But, thankfully (for her, anyway), these days, she’s got a little more of a hold on her life. So, her appearance on Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris is a welcomed toe-dip back into the crazy Britney who we knew nearly a decade ago.

As a part of a prank segment with Neil and Joe Jonas, the “Scream & Shout” singer was forced to say whatever the two cooked up while she was interviewing bodyguards for a security gig. Mainly, it’s just Brit acting more flighty and Diva-ish than her being straight-up nuts, but still, there are flashes of yesteryear when she gives a vacant stare to one of the potential candidates.

And no, there are no umbrellas or shaved heads or anything like that here, though Best Time Ever would probably be better served by really going for it, as far as pranks go. It’s still a fun clip, though the video does confirm one thing I’ve always hoped of “It’s Britney, B*tch” replacing “Hello” in all future greetings. 2016, it’s happening.

(via NBC)