Rage Against The Machine’s Bassist Confronted Buzz Aldrin About Faking The Moon Landing

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Self-admitted conspiracy theorist Tom Commerford, bassist of Rage Against The Machine, recently apologized for the existence of Limp Bizkit in an interview with Rolling Stone. Some new excerpts from the same interview have dropped, and the entire piece is a big batch of tin-foil soup. Commerford first discusses his disbelief in ISIS’ existence, which he says is “a bunch of sh*t.” He believes the beheading videos are faked and says, “we created Jihadi John and ISIS so we can go drop bombs.

Commerford also takes issue with the notion that humans have stepped foot on the moon. He says his disbelief is rooted in childhood, which is interesting since Commerford’s father worked for NASA during the Apollo missions. Commerford also says he “got into it” with Buzz Aldrin at a John Cusack film premiere (was it 2012?) and seized opportunity:

“There were a bunch of people gathered around, and I said, “I have a question: You have all these missions to the moon. How come there’s no pictures of the flags on the moon?” He said, “Well, those are highly degraded by radiation by now.” I said, “You left a lot of stuff on the moon. It seems that somebody with a telescope or satellite would snap a picture of that so we could see it. It’d be on the cover of every newspaper.

“I asked him why he put a metal rod on top of the flag instead of just letting the flag out and do its thing. He gets all frustrated and says, “I’m just trying to remember what they told me to say.” That’s what he said! Those were his exact words! Then he and his wife – all plastic surgery-ed up and fake as they can be – bolted out, and I watched them walking down the street and he was just yelling at her. It made him so mad. There are so many different facets of the lunar landing that are just bullsh*t.”

Yes, according to Tim Commerford, Buzz Aldrin practically admitted faking the moon landing while answering confrontational questions on the red carpet. Even if you’re not familiar with Commerford’s reputation, it’s evident from the entire interview that he doesn’t believe in anything he hasn’t seen happen directly in front of him. That’s his prerogative, but I’m not sure what taking shots at Aldrin’s wife has to do with disproving the moon landing. Simmer down, bass boy.

(Via Rolling Stone)