Here’s Your First Look At ‘Daredevil’ Season Two

This isn’t a terribly long look at the second season of Daredevil, and it will probably quickly disappear from the Internet until it’s officially released. But it packs a lot into 30 seconds. Let’s take a look, shall we?

First off, the monologue in the trailer is all about guilt because of course it is, this is Daredevil we’re talking about here. But it rapidly makes with what we want to see. First off, we get glances at both the back of the Punisher’s head and Elektra donning a mask:

And then follow it up with a few mysteries. Here’s Karen looking at what appears to be one of Matt’s head x-rays:

And Foggy in the company of what appears to be the New York City SWAT team:

We don’t see a ton of action, but we do see what appears to be the aftermath of the Punisher paying a visit to some local gangsters.

And a hazy shot of Matt in his fancy suit:

That leaves us with a lot to chew on. The fact that we don’t see anybody from Fisk’s organization sure hints at the idea that the Punisher is the major bad guy this season, but there’s probably more to it than that, especially because Elektra is involved and we know that Stick is returning to give Matt some of his namesake. Also notably missing? A release date, but we hope it’s sooner rather than later.

(via Comic Book)