‘Kingsman’ Shoves ‘Robin Hood’ Out Of The Way To Get To The Box Office

When last we left news of a Kingsman: The Secret Service sequel, it wasn’t very clear whether the film’s young star, Taron Egerton, would be able to return to film a second movie, as he’d made commitments to a “dark and gritty” version of Robin Hood.

20th Century Fox and Matthew Vaughn — who directed Kingsman and will be directing its sequel — had a contractual claim on Egerton’s time and wanted to get started with shooting in April. According to the Hollywood Reporter, it appears that claim held and Lionsgate’s Robin Hood “reboot,” as they’re calling it, is going to be pushed to start in the summer after Egerton is freed up.

And while probably not a lot of you were on pins and needles waiting to see if Eggsy could really take over as Galahad, the rest of us were wondering if you could (SPOILER) un-head-shoot Colin Firth because it’s necessary to see him massacre an entire chapel full of racists in a three-piece suit again. Maybe this time he can karate chop a bunch of people who think vaccines cause autism? I’m just throwing out ideas here. The important part is also to include Jack Davenport somehow despite his also (SPOILER) deadness situation.

(Via the Hollywood Reporter)