Johnny Manziel Was Pulled Over After Fighting With His Girlfriend In The Car (UPDATE)

Johnny MAnziel
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We haven’t had any Johnny Manziel news lately. After his brief stint as a hero following his win over the Tennessee Titans in Week 2, Johnny has been sitting on the bench as Josh McCown racks up the stats. Well Johnny is back in the news again today, but not for the reasons he’d probably like to be. Manziel and his girlfriend, Colleen Crowley, were seen by one witness arguing in their car while erratically swerving as they were driving down I-90.

The witness claims that Crowley even attempted to exit the vehicle while it was in motion. After that, the couple exited the freeway and pulled over in a neighborhood, continuing to argue. In the report, Crowley also claims Manziel pushed her head into a window. There was an abrasion on her arm, but police claim that it was caused by Johnny holding her in the car when she attempted to leave while the car was still moving.

Something everyone keeps pointing out is that Manziel and Crowley had indeed been drinking in downtown Cleveland earlier in the day, but neither Manziel nor Crowley have been charged with anything. Manziel famously spent two months in rehab earlier this year to get treatment for his excessive drinking problem.

Ultimately the report is extremely minor and simple and it’s easy to assume that if it had been any other player we might not even hear about it. Alcohol was mentioned, but while it may have spawned the argument, the officers certainly didn’t seem to think it was worth charging Manziel for. It’s likely the alcohol is playing such a big role in the story simply because of Manziel’s history. What’s more disturbing is the domestic issue. His girlfriend attempting to exit a moving vehicle is alarming, if true, as is the head/window thing. But we have no further proof of either.

It’s unclear if this is enough to warrant any sort of punishment from the NFL. Johnny appeared to have cleaned up his act this offseason. and while this is a depressing setback, it’s also a very minor incident. Plus, the NFL has a history of not paying attention to domestic issues, so he’ll probably be fine.

*UPDATE: Both Manziel and his girlfriend, Colleen Crowley, issued statements on social media:

(ABC 5 Cleveland)