Check Out The Official Poster For ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

The official poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now online in all of its glory, and things looks nice. This drops ahead of the premiere of a brand new trailer on tomorrow’s Monday Night Football and the opening of ticket sales for the film’s release in December.

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If anything, we can guarantee that the poster looks gorgeous and is a proper tease for what we’re about to start getting. Non-stop media marketing with a lightsaber flavor. Not hard to enjoy this if you’re a Star Wars fan though, particularly seeing the classic characters back in the running and supporting the new folks. It also confirms a bit about John Boyega’s use of a lightsaber in the film. I haven’t read any of the spoilers up to this point, but my brain is firing off the possible reasons and mysteries surrounding it all.

We’ve all be burned by anticipation before, and Star Wars is no different. I can only hope that this is less Phantom Menace and more Mad Max in terms of revitalizing a franchise. If this turns out to be worse than the prequels, you have my permission to hunt me down for sport. Surviving The Game style, not The Running Man.

(Via Star Wars)