Gwar Seamlessly Covers Cyndi Lauper’s ‘She Bop’ And The Ramones’ ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’

Cyndi Lauper covered herself, sort of, in a memorable episode of Bob’s Burgers. This isn’t quite that, but it might be even better. Metal-monsters Gwar are AV Club Undercover regulars (“Carry On Wayward Son” remains a classic), and this season, they decided to play Lauper’s “She Bop,” that song about masturbation that everyone always asks “did you know this song’s about masturbation?” even though it’s obviously about masturbation.

(Look, it’s not every day I can mention Gwar, Cyndi Lauper, and masturbation in the same sentence — I’m taking advantage of this.)

There’s some pleasantly solid harmonies going on during the “we bop” chorus, which is a surprise considering lead singer/screamer Blothar spends a decent chunk of the song fondling his rubber cow udder. Naturally, the band seamlessly transitions into an excellent cover of the Ramones’ “Blitzkrieg Bop,” which is about “German warfare masturbation.” Hey ho, don’t blow.