Carrie Fisher Tells ‘Star Wars’ Newbie Daisy Ridley To Avoid Slave Bikinis

Part of the appeal of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the integration of classic characters like Princess Leia and Han Solo, while also ushering in a new cast of heroes, including Daisy Ridley’s Rey. With the changing of the guard in this way, the Star Wars veterans are sure to give the newcomers as much advice as they can about how to handle the megafame that comes with joining this franchise.

Carrie Fisher was given an ideal opportunity for just that when she interviewed Ridley for Interview Magazine. After talking about how weird, yet delightful, it is to see yourself as a Halloween costume, they also discussed some of the less appealing aspects of fan adoration.

FISHER: Oh, you’re going to have people have fantasies about you! That will make you uncomfortable, I’m guessing.

RIDLEY: Yeah, a bit.

FISHER: Have you been asked that?

RIDLEY: No, they always talk about how you’re a sex symbol, and how do I feel about that. [Fisher sighs] I’m not a sex symbol! [laughs]

FISHER: Listen! I am not a sex symbol, so that’s an opinion of someone. I don’t share that.

RIDLEY: I don’t think that’s the right—

FISHER: Word for it? Well, you should fight for your outfit. Don’t be a slave like I was.

Given the fan furor over that iconic bikini, it’s understandable that it would be a very weird thing to be so deeply associated with. Still, Fisher is more optimistic over Ridley’s potential “space kiss,” which is apparently much more fun than donning golden bondage gear. Ridley is obviously starting to learn the franchise-lead responsibility to a no-spoilers approach, because she laughed it off with a, “At this point, we’ll wait and see, I guess.”

The two stars mesh well together, so the whole interview is worth checking out over at Interview.

(Via The Wrap, Interview Magazine)