Dana Carvey Doesn’t Want To Live In A World Without Donald Trump

Whether or not you like Donald Trump, you have to admit that the New York real estate mogul-turned-reality television star-turned-politician is one of the best things on television today. Or at least that’s what comedian and Saturday Night Live alum Dana Carvey argued on Friday’s episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. According to both him and Fallon, “It’s the best thing that ever happened to us.”

“No matter what your politics are, everyone in this room would pay money to see Donald Trump in a room with [Vladimir Putin],” said Carvey. “Cause Putin has to get his ass kicked.”

Of course, Carvey wasn’t necessarily trying to get political during his visit to The Tonight Show. The expert impressionist was simply doing what he does best — imitating the world’s worst public figures and celebrities with spot-on impersonations that would even make the late Robin Williams give a slow clap.

Some of the more notable examples include Trump himself, Putin riding a tiger, President Barack Obama talking about the merits of trick-or-treating on Halloween, and SNL showrunner (and the man responsible for Carvey and Fallon’s careers) Lorne Michaels professing his love for the lagoon in Creature from the Black Lagoon. Fallon made a few attempts to join in on the fun, but yeah — it was all Carvey, really.