The First ‘Finding Dory’ Poster Swims Online With A Very Familiar Catchphrase

Disney/Pixar (the cinematic juggernaut with squatter’s rights in your childrens’ souls) has unveiled a brand new movie poster that lets you know you have an unbreakable appointment locked in for next summer. Yup, we now have our first glimpse at a poster for Finding Dory.

The star attraction on this new slice of promo material? A sizable chunk of Dory, the Ellen DeGeneres voiced regal blue tang (a.k.a. “a fish”) that captured everybody’s hearts in 2003’s Finding Nemo and made short-term memory loss seem equal parts charming and terrifying. The film, which takes place six months after the events of the original, features Dory learning about her past after she discovers some unlocked childhood memories. Nemo writer-director Andrew Stanton tackles those duties for this go-around as well.

“She just kept swimming,” reads the tagline plunked front and center on the poster.

The film’s without a trailer at the moment, but a glimpse of this likely insta-classic has been teased for tomorrow. Or November 10th, if the unthinkable happens and you read this on a non-corresponding day. Where’s this exclusive first look, you ask? It’s being promised on ellentube and tomorrow’s edition of The Ellen Show.

Finding Dory is scheduled to make its way to theatres (memory permitting) on June 17, 2016. Albert Brooks will return for the sequel which also boasts Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Kaitlin Olson, Ed O’Neil, Ty Burrell, Idris Elba, Dominic West and more in the voice cast. You’re welcome to get your hopes up super high, if you like.

(via Mashable)