Cam Newton’s Explanation Of His Controversial Touchdown Dance Will Make You Love Him Even More

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End zone dances are nothing new for Cam Newton. The Carolina Panthers quarterback has been a showman since he first entered the NFL (and well before that), but his touchdown celebrations are getting more and more elaborate as his career progresses.

With the Panthers 9-0 on the season, Newton has had plenty of opportunities to break out his moves and he has taken full advantage. This past Sunday, though, certain members of the Tennessee Titans were a bit irked by what they considered excessive celebrating by Newton, and they confronted the quarterback. How did Newton respond? With more dancing, of course.

After the game, Cam was asked about the incident (and the dance itself) and he gave a pretty fantastic answer.

“I’m a firm believer that if you don’t like me to do it, then don’t let me in […] I just like doing it, man. It’s not to be boastful, and from the crowd’s response they like seeing it. […] Tell me what to do “Dab on them folks,” so I tried “Dab on them folks,” in that tone too. “Dab on them folks.” He’s only like 16, but he’s got an Adam’s apple out of this world.”

There you have it. Cam gets his dance moves from an Adam’s apple with limbs, who, as SB Nation speculates, is most likely Cam’s brother, Caylin.

(Via SB Nation)