These Kids Show Steph Curry How To Deflect The Media’s Questions Like A Pro

The media’s favorite athletes and coaches aren’t always the ones at the top of their game. Really, the only thing reporters even care about are good answers. Be interesting, and you’ll be in the news constantly. So it’s funny when Kid’s Foot Locker is able to poke fun at athletes being the exact opposite of interesting in this latest commercial with Stephen Curry. (Coincidentally, Curry is made that much more fascinating because of his daughter, Riley, who pretty much crushes every press conference.)

The premise is simple: Some kids on a basketball court are wearing stuff like the pros wear, so they start acting like pros act. That means answering every question with cliché, non-specific answers like “taking things one game at a time.” It brings to mind the parody video from last month featuring Weird Al Yankovic, which made fun of every player, coach and reporter to ever grace a post-game press conference. The accuracy was uncanny, almost frighteningly so.

Anyway, the kids in this Foot Locker commercial do a good job of using the best and most over-used sports answers. Who’s to say the newest generation isn’t going to make us proud one day?