This 81-Year-Old Grandmother Crushed The Beer Mile

The concept of a beer mile is a delightful one: a person has to run a mile, but after every quarter of a mile, they are required to chug a beer. It’s such a dumb idea, but under no circumstance does it sound like something that wouldn’t be a lot of fun.

The world record for the fastest beer mile is 4:47:17. Elvira Montes didn’t come anywhere near that when she ran the race on Tuesday night, but that’s kind of understandable, seeing as how she is an 81-year-old grandmother of three.

Now, considering that she is an octogenarian and running a mile takes a lot of work, her time of 20:24 is outstanding. But according to a quote she gave Runner’s World, Montes was disappointed with her performance.

“I should have been a little faster,” Montes told Runner’s World, disappointed in her chugging performance. “I tried to drink the first one really fast but I couldn’t. The second one went down really smooth; the third, even better. The fourth was alright.”

There were some bragging rights on the line, as some of the other participants in the race were members of Montes’ family. The best part? She ended up beating her 47-year-old daughter by 50 seconds, while her son-in-law wasn’t able to finish the race.

Montes said she plans on doing another one of these races in the future, one in which she plans on breaking 20 minutes. According to Runner’s World, she plans on training by drinking beer while she runs on a treadmill.

(via Runner’s World)