Ed Sheeran Blew Out His Eardrum In The Most Rockstar Way Possible

After the success of Ed Sheeran’s breakthough sophomore album, X, it would be easy to believe that the English singer-songwriter is living a wild and interesting life. He’s recently became a member of Taylor Swift’s squad, cut out a man’s eye on a TV show, and performed with Beyoncé at the Global Citizen Festival. So, following a year this busy, it would seem that Sheeran would want take time off to enjoy some of the fruits of his labor at the conclusion of his global tour. But no one was expecting this kind of time off.

“I have an operation in January on my ear,” Sheeran told Australia’s Nova Radio. The reason for the ear operation? “I stupidly jumped off a yacht really high up and smashed it,” said Sheeran, “I landed wrong and it burst my eardrum, so I have to go and get a graft, which means I’m not allowed to fly for a while, so it’s kind of good, it means I have to stay at home.” Sheeran was unaware of his injury and continued partying on that day until he jumped back into the water. “It’s the most painful thing, having a hole in your eardrum and having water go in.”

Sheeran is wearing extra ear protection while performing, but will be finishing the rest of his tour in Australia in true rock star fashion. Over the next few months, Ed Sheeran will be doing less singing and more thinking out loud. (Sorry.)

(Via MTV)