This is a commercial for a pawn shop in Connecticut named Meriden Pawn. Its contents read like one of the clubs Stefon describes on Weekend Update: “This commercial has everything: smoke machines, bad CGI fire, gold magically turning into money, people dressed like kings and rapping about pawning your belongings to the tune of a Run DMC song, giant rabbits playing guitar, etc.” What does a giant rabbit wailing on a guitar have to do with pawning gold, you ask? EVERYTHING. OR NOTHING. I DON’T KNOW. But it’s completely insane and I love it like a pile of gummi bears and I could watch it happen forever and ever. I don’t even want to know how they came up with the concept. I just want to assume that this plopped onto YouTube as a fully formed little slice of perfection, and keep on watching it. I wouldn’t sell them my gold even if the power was about to be shut off and all I had to my name was a single bag of Scrooge McDuck-style gold coins, but still, nice commercial, King.
In a related matter, I just want you all to know how much I love bonkers local commercials. So much. SO MUCH. Like, t—h—i—s much. I can’t get enough of them. The more cheaply produced and nonsensical, the better. If any of you out there have a commercial that fits that description airing in your town, and you can find it on YouTube, send that sh-t to me PRONTO. I am not joking. Email it to me at dangerguerrero [at] gmail, or send it to me on Twitter. I will collect them all and analyze them, and it will absolutely make my day.
Thanks to Raquel for the tip