The Austrian DJ Who Wouldn’t Stop Playing ‘Last Christmas’ Has Been Given A Fitting Punishment

Joe Kohlhofer is the lunatic Austrian DJ we never knew we needed and now he will punished for his sins against popular music.

You remember Joe, don’t you? No? Hmm… You remember that maniac that barricaded himself in a studio playing Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas” twenty-four times in a row? Okay, that’s Joe. Is he a hero for busting out that Wham! holiday jam for nearly two hours straight or was this an act of musical war crimes foisted on an undeserving populace? That’s for historians to decide.

Joe, who probably could have snuck on the Carly Rae Jepsen version once or twice, wound up ending the single song marathon after his daughter called pleading for her pops to stop. Previous to that, DJs and listeners made their best attempts to talk Joe out of tormenting them with another round of the 80s Xmas tune.

The big ol’ discipline hammer of his employer Antenne Kaernten recently came crashing down on Joe with a ruling as cruel as taking some poor UK pop star’s heart and the very next day giving it away. Here’s the official ruling of programming chief Timm Bodner:

“In general, it was funny but there must be consequences,” he said. “As a consequence he will have to work tomorrow on Christmas [Eve] and on New Year’s Eve.”

That may qualify as the most Austrian quote we’ve ever published.

We’re no calendar experts, but that punishment means Joe has completed with Christmas shift and now has New Year’s Eve looming on the horizon. Don’t worry, Joe. Working as a DJ on New Year’s Eve isn’t so bad. (There seems to be no Wham! ban for that day.) Heck, Ray Noone’s totally blitzed 1982 New Year’s Eve broadcast on WTKO is the stuff of legend. You’re gonna be fine, dude.

(via The Guardian)