The Batcave In ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Has Been Revealed

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is out in just three months, so the Warner Bros. team is sure to be rolling out as much promotional material as fans can handle. Our latest inside look comes from Entertainment Weekly with the first images from the new and improved Batcave. Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne has outfitted his subterranean lair with the latest high tech toys, as is the masked crusader’s usual MO.

Affleck tells Entertainment Weekly that Batman needs all the tech if he’s going to keep up with the gods and monsters he’s surrounded by in Dawn of Justice. He is just a mortal man, after all.

“[Batman] represents human beings, mortal men,” Affleck says. “In a world of Flashes and Aquamen and Supermen, there needs to be that guy. It’s interesting that
 he became the 
leader of the Justice League in the books — I’m not sure how that’ll play out here — but his humanity is also an asset.”

According to EW, Jeremy Irons’ Alfred will be a bit different than the old faithful butler that fans are used to after Michael Caine’s take on the role.

“Alfred is a lot more hands-­on in our film than he has previously been,” Irons says. “He’s a bit of a grease monkey, and he’s very involved in the decisions Bruce makes.”

Essentially, “Suck it, old man. Alfred’s cool now.”

(Via Entertainment Weekly)