Everything You Need To Know About The Punisher Before ‘Daredevil’ Season 2

Daredevil‘s second season will introduce the Punisher, a Marvel anti-hero who’s been controversial since he was first introduced. In fact, this will go back to the very first appearances of the Punisher, when he was a villain out for vengeance who tangled with Matt Murdock. Over the years, the Punisher has shifted from villain, to anti-hero, to even a hero of sorts, and proven to be one of Marvel’s more durable characters.

The Punisher’s also taken several cracks at standing alone throughout the years, with several movies, most recently starring Ray Stevenson. Taking up the guns and skull shirt this time in Jon Bernthal, best known as Shane from The Walking Dead. Bernthal appears to be taking the Punisher back to his roots as a brutal street-level vigilante, and we’ll get to see just what he’s aiming for March 18.

In the meantime, if you’d like to know more about the Punisher, consider reading some of his comics. Garth Ennis is widely considered one of the best Punisher writers out there, and both his dark, adults-only Punisher MAX series and slightly less grim opening arc “Welcome Back, Frank,” which served as the basis of the 2004 movie, will be a great introduction to Frank Castle. Until then, excelsior!