Paul Feig Trolled ‘Star Wars’ While Revealing Info About New ‘Ghostbusters’ Toys

Paul Feig’s all-female starring Ghostbusters is in line with a long-overdue trend in cinema wherein female heroes like Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Katniss in the Hunger Games films, and Black Widow in the Marvel universe are taking the lead and kicking ass. Unfortunately, that trend hasn’t so much carried over to toy and game lines and store shelves, particularly as it pertains to Rey, with many consumers complaining about a lack of parity in the character’s representation relative to her major role in the film. But while Hasbro is scrambling to answer the #WheresRey campaign, Mattel and the Ghostbusters team can be confident in the knowledge that they’ve got ample merch on the way to support the film. Really confident, apparently.

As you can see in Paul Feig’s tweet introducing an image of the prototypes for the 6″ action figure line featuring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon, the director couldn’t resist the urge to troll/do a touchdown dance by using the hashtag, #TheresGhostbusters. But with lines on the way from Mattel, Diamond Select (MiniMates?), Funko (Pop Vinyl? maybe Vinyl Idolz?), and LEGO, it’s justified.

Focusing on the figures that Feig is showing off, for a moment, CBR is reporting that there’s going to be a 14-figure set, so the mind wobbles at the possible variations (Ghostbusters 2 style gray suits, please) and other characters who will be represented. The cast is chock full of actors who you need on your shelf. SNL‘s Cecily Strong and UCB co-founder Matt Walsh are in the film. I’ll take one figure of each, please. Who hasn’t wanted an Andy Garcia action figure since the Ocean’s Eleven line that I just made up right now was scrapped? And that’s to say nothing of the classic cast that is popping up in this in all new roles. Can you handle two different Sigourney Weaver figures — one from the Ghostbuster classic line and one from this one? I think we all can, yes.

Expect more concrete ideas on which figures and what lines will pop up around the release of the new Ghostbusters (which premieres on July 15) next month during Toy Fair.

(Via Twitter and CBR)