Have Your Mind Blown By This ‘Before And After’ VFX Look At ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

We don’t mean to alarm anybody, but our research seems to suggest that Star Wars: The Force Awakens may feature one or two visual effects. Stunning, right? Bold move for a docum– What’s that? It’s not a documentary? Our apologies.

In what might be a nod to how some of tomorrow’s Academy Awards nominations could shake out, the official Oscars YouTube account includes an impressive 10-minute video displaying The Force Awakens in “before and after” VFX form. The behind-the-curtain clip, which has been quietly kicking around since last week, features the film’s mega-popular characters navigating the world of green screens and slightly tweaked props. Matched up with the finished scenes from J.J. Abrams‘ blockbuster, we have to admit that the pre-polish versions look pretty swanky, too. After all, it’s not exactly like Daisy Ridley is acting things out in a Denny’s bathroom.

If you’re watching the clip located at the top of the screen and making a series of “ooh aah” sounds a bunch, you’re likely to agree with yesterday’s nifty nomination haul The Force Awakens scored from the Visual Effects Society Awards. The latest Star Wars installment leads all feature contenders with seven nods. San Andreas sits in the silver medal position when it comes to nominations, pulling in four nods.