“It’s F***ing Sad What The Music Business Has Become.” – Irv Gotti

Wow. I had to repost this and give Yall what I been saying for years now. The business of music is OVER. Not 1 Album that has come out in 2014 is gonna be certified Platinum. That’s fucking crazy. Now don’t get me wrong. An artist can still come out and make some money. Doing shows. But for me. A label owner. And a Producer. My money was largely based on record sales. Which there isn’t any. Anymore. I used to charge 250k for 1 beat. Yessss my n***as. 250k for 1 beat. The budgets where so big and labels knew I would deliver a hit to sell there albums. So it all made sense. Then I had a crazy producer agreement where I would make money off of record 1 sold. With no recoupment of the 250k. So basically. All those records you heard with me whispering murder inc. And they was going #1. Oh. I was getting it. Majorly. Fast forward to a few years ago. I’m doing a song for a platinum selling artist. I finish the record cause they asked me to do it. All they had was f***ing 10k. I was like. Is this a joke. So this explains when people ask me to do music again. Which I love with a passion. But I need money for my genius. That’s why I am focusing on TV. Movies. Marketing and Advertising. Business where my genius can get rewarded. It’s f***ing sad what the music business has become. Technology and the world has flipped and turned its back on the music biz. They feel music should be free now. Look at U2. One of the biggest bands. They gave away there album on iTunes. Gave it away. But there good. They probably charged ITunes a fee for that. And now with the album for free. They will go on a world tour and make millions. But what about the label. And the producers. What do they get? Where is there royalty off of a free album. It’s f***ed up. And the government won’t step in and help this business. Why? They hate us. The music biz. Hip hop I. General has changed and altered more good ni***z lives than anything else. They think we are all drug dealers. Hustlers. Pimps. They could care less. If his happened to the TV or Movie Industry. Best believe they will fix it. Not music. You think they like seeing Bobby Schmurda get f***ing money? Nah. Slow us down. #pissed
– Irv Gotti

Thoughts on what Irv Gotti had to say and no album going platinum this year?