Leonardo DiCaprio has a doppelgänger.
Not the attractive Swedish bartender, but another man, a Russian gentleman who’s turned his resemblance of Leo (or Leo after a night of drinking and a year of too many donuts) into a career. Roman Burtsaev is a 33-year-old technical support manager who, according to BuzzFeed, was given his own realty show in Russia, Romance with DiCaprio, which “follows Burtsaev as [channel Moskva 24 attempts] to transform him into a Hollywood star.”
Here he is singing “My Heart Will Go On!”
And wearing the bear from The Revenant!
And doing the Titanic pose!
And winning an Oscar!
Number of Academy Awards: Burtsaev, 1; DiCaprio: 0.
Russian DiCaprio hopes his new-found fame will get him a role in a Hollywood movie, and a girlfriend. Having trouble landing a long-term relationship? Burtsaev has so much in common with the real Leo!
(Via BuzzFeed)