Would You Buy Organic Fast Food From Ray Allen?

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While Ray Allen may not be officially retired, he hasn’t played since the 2013-14 season and doesn’t seem all that eager to come back. Until he moved on in a new direction, however, people were always going to wonder. Now, it appears that direction is Grown, a new fast food and drive-thru restaurant that will use only organic ingredients for a healthy menu.

The restaurant won’t just be progressive on their menu, either. When the restaurant opens, it will use compostable packaging that contains seedpods.

It’s an ambitious concept, one that may not survive if Grown ever becomes a chain, but it’s fantastic to see a business fighting against the monster of waste that the food service industry has become. That it has the name recognition of Jesus Shuttlesworth behind it is no small thing, either. Allen and his wife, Jennifer, started Grown due to their desire to see more healthy options for their children, most notably their son Walker, who has Type 1 Diabetes.

So often, parents who normally take great care with their children’s diets make exceptions for fast food because it’s cheap and convenient, especially in the drive-thru. Grown hopes to fill that need for South Miami families, but when it opens in March, it will have to answer the ultimate question: If it’s healthy food, will kids eat it?

(Via Miami Herald)