UPROXX Live Q&A With Jim O'Heir (Jerry!) From 'Parks And Recreation'

It’s been over four months since the last new episode of Parks and Recreation, which is approximately three months and thirty days too long. But the show finally returns to NBC next Thursday, which means we’ll have soon have the following wonderful individuals back in our life: Ron Swanson! Leslie Knope! Andy Dwyer! April Ludgate! Ben Wyatt! Jerry! You can’t forget Jerry, what with his elaborate bathtub set-ups and giant penis!

Lucky for us, the actor who portrays (Dammit) Jerry, Jim O’Heir, will be stopping by UPROXX today. Ask him about being both a “schlemiel” and a “schlemazel,” originally reading for Ron Swanson, appearing on Friends, his costume for this season’s Halloween episode, and if he’s ever been mistaken for KSK punching bag Peter King. MAYBE.

The chat is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. EST, and will go for about an hour, which will give you plenty of time to come up with questions for him. Here are a couple of tips to help this all run smoothly as possible: 1) Begin your questions to Jim with “@Jim” or “@Jim O’Heir” to keep things organized and allow him to find your questions easily, and 2) Feel free to load up some questions ahead of time. Don’t worry — Kyle’s not invited.

UPDATE: Fittingly, we’re having some technical difficulties, but stick around — this is happening.

How To Unlock:

Log into UPROXX (or create an account), then share your participation in today’s Live Q&A on Facebook and Twitter to unlock the ‘Dammit Jerry’ badge.