Sacha Baron Cohen Turned Back The Clock At The Oscars With This Excellent Ali G Routine

The Sacha Baron Cohen creation Ali G may not seem like an appropriate presenter at the Oscars, but he’s also someone who’ll never be afraid to touch on the big issues. The film and television star touched on Hollywood’s race issues, and even brought up why minions should have an award. He dominated the presentation like only he could. Even sneaking in a, “booyakasha” for good measure.

It was an unexpected appearance, even if Cohen’s appearance wasn’t unexpected. He was on the list of announced presenters and has a new movie, The Brothers Grimsby, out in a few weeks. But it was an appropriate one, too. Since first appearing in 1998, Ali G has allowed Cohen to use discomfort to comment on any number of hot-button issues, race very much among them. A night dominated by the #OscarsSoWhite discussion seems like an ideal time for him to make a return.

While some on the Internet (very few) weren’t feeling Cohen’s special of humor, legions of Ali G’s fans made their joy known on Twitter.

This was also an important night in film history, because now we know that Ali G. loves Minions:

Ali G. even called out Darth Vader:

Now Watch: The Story Of The Oscar Statuette